Our Mission
We are on a mission to make AI easy for SMEs to understand, adopt and deploy so they can benefit as much as large corporations do from advances in technology and opportunities for growth. We exist to create simple AI-driven solutions to real world challenges faced by SMEs so they can be successful.
Our Story
A group of entrepreneurs sat down one night in a bar in Sydney. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. This seasoned group of individuals had been there before - investing in dreams rather than reality. But this time, with the emergence of GenAI as the latest shiny toy from the technology sack of Christmas (and yes, it was indeed Christmas 2022, although the entrepreneurs were not feeling so Christmasy in the warm climate of Australia...), something felt different.
They had all been there before with the emergence of the latest and greatest Big Data toys. And Social Media Analytics. And insights. Always insights. And always with the big boys and girls playing with the best toys.
Hang on! That's unfair. That surely stifled innovation (they said) having the large organisations be dealt the best cards in this ever growing game of technology. What about the little person? The SME. And yet something felt different here. Generative AI seemed so much more accesible and real as it spoke to you on the most basic level: through language. And yes, that is how we communicate in the world, and yes if a computer can hack that, then, perhaps, we can get it to do things we never thought possible before.
That is GenAI and it was a seismic shift and those entrepreneurs could feel it but didn't want to allow the same machinations of injustice to rear their heads once again... as they had before with Big Data and major computer technology advances. The SME gets left out - the large organisations have all the fun and benefits.
So the entrepreneurs decided to do something about it. They created ML Nightworx. AI made simple. Designed for SMEs.
There is an interesting cross-section of experience and expertise at ML Nightworx.
Yes, the founders have years of public and private sector experience working in large organisations, small to medium sized enterprises and startups.
Yes, we have assembled a diverse team that works on AI strategy, Ethical AI, technology platform development, digital rollout, business development, procurement policy, export compliance and strategic consultancy.
Yes, we are passionate about making AI simple and helping solve the problems that a large majority of SMEs face - achieving long term, sustainable growth whilst adopting AI based solutions to support the processes that can make this happen.
No, we don't know what the future holds but we try and predict to the best of our ability what challenges SMEs may face in the next years. We are here to help you grow and figure out the best path to take. You can choose to be successful or irrelevant.
And no, we don't have all the answers. We have all experienced failure yet we feel strongly that the experiecne and expertise we have can be used to support business growth for SMEs. We aim to tackle, piece by piece, real challenges. So get in touch and let's discover how we can move forward together.